‘Tools for Project Management, Workshops, and Consulting’ Excerpt
Written by professional consultant and executive coach Nicolai Andler,
“Tools for Project
Management: A Must-Have Compendium of Essential Tools and Techniques” is a
unique reference work and guide for those wanting to learn about or be active in the
fields of consulting, project management and problem-solving in general. As such, it
presents cookbook-style access to more than 100 most important skills.
Nicolai Andler’s work differs from many other consulting and project management
textbooks. While these primarily concern themselves with the art of running a
consulting practice or managing a project, Andler’s work focuses mainly on the tools
and techniques of the trade. Its power lies in acknowledging that these form part of
today’s management competencies.
This excerpt is from the “Problem solving” section of chapter 2 (“The concept and
application of this book”). This section:
- Emphasizes the “solution path” to solving problems
- Explores and compares different problem solving approaches
- Describes the four basic problem-solving process steps