Despite all the hype and promise of social networking, a new survey of 2,211 U.S. adults aged 18 years and older — of which 1,393 are employed full time, part time or self-employed — conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Moxie Software, a provider of social networking platform, finds that in the workplace, a huge percentage of the people surveyed still don’t find a lot of value in social networking tools.
Whether this represents a moment in time that reflects usage of an emerging technology or actual resistance to the concept remains to be seen. But, clearly, when it comes to social networking in the enterprise, there’s a lot more work that needs to be accomplished before these tools become more generally accepted.
Click through for results from a survey on social networking tools in the enterprise, conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Moxie Software.
Facebook still dominates.
Direct communication vehicles still the most preferred.
It’s still a Web 1.0 world.
A significant dichotomy.
Many remain unconvinced.
A little more open to this idea.
Close to an even split.
Some things even technology can’t overcome.
Skepticism reigns.