While a lot of people are quick to criticize Microsoft, people tend to overlook it when the company actually executes well. Such is the case with Microsoft Systems Center 2012, the management platform that Microsoft developed to run on top of Windows Server 2012.
By just about all accounts Microsoft Systems Center 2012 can stand toe to toe with any comparable management framework. In fact, from the perspective of the internal IT organization, one of the primary reasons to move to Window Server 2012 is to get your hands on a Microsoft Systems Center 2012 management platform because it makes the life of the average Windows administrator a whole lot easier.
Of course, the challenge with Microsoft Systems Center 2012 is paying for it. Not only do IT organizations have to fund the upgrade to Windows Server 2012, the licensing terms surrounding Microsoft Systems Center 2012 are tied to the servers on the local area network (LAN). Given the fact that most organizations have multiple LANs, it’s easy to see how Microsoft System Center 2012 could get expensive.
Fortunately, the folks at Adaptiva have come up with a way around that issue. Adaptiva has developed Adaptiva OneSite,an add-on to Microsoft System Center 2012 ConfigMgr that allows an organization to manage a large distributed network as if it were a single LAN. According to Adaptiva CTO and founder, Deepak Kumar, upgrades to next-generation Windows Server 2012 environments are being stalled by the fact that customers are frustrated with giant multi-year projects that take too long to show a positive return on investment. The best way to overcome that objection, says Kumar, is to lower the total cost of managing a Windows environment using Microsoft System Center 2012. And he says the challenge is finding a way to minimize the number of Microsoft System Center 2012 licenses an organization requires.
You might think that Microsoft would take exception to Adaptiva OneSite because of the licensing revenue it loses. But Kumar says Adaptiva enjoys Microsoft Gold Partner status largely because the Microsoft sales force likes to be able to call on Adaptiva in competitive situations with rival platforms.
At a time when internal IT organizations are battling cloud service providers to retain control over IT, Kumar says upgrading to Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft System Center 2012 are critical in terms of reducing total cost of ownership through the adoption of private cloud computing. Kumar says Adaptiva just makes it easier to get there.