
    ‘Think Like a Futurist’ Excerpt

    ‘Think Like a Futurist’ Excerpt

    Still confused about what a futurist does? Futurist Cecily Sommers sheds light on that question while profiling a General Mills innovation program.

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    “Think Like a Futurist” is a ground-breaking book that shows how to engage in new thinking in order to connect today’s pressures with tomorrow’s realities. Drawing from more than a decade of work with clients, noted futurist Cecily Sommers shows what it takes to apply long-term focus and strategies to needs as diverse as industry forecasts, innovation challenges, leadership development, and future-proofing a brand.

    This excerpt from Chapter 13, “Tinkering: The Genesis of General Mills’s Idea Greenhouse,” follows two people from the Consumer Insights division at General Mills as they develop and implement an innovation program. Here you’ll find out how they managed and overcame everyday pressures from the business environment to see their concept through from start to finish.

    Included in the excerpt are objectives for the project, as well as key steps, questions and expected outcomes that helped the team put their ideas into practice and eventually launch a pilot project called the “Idea Greenhouse.”

    Excerpted with permission from the publisher, Wiley, from “Think Like a Futurist: Know What Changes, What Doesn’t and What Comes Next” by Cecily Sommers.  Copyright © 2012. 

    Included in this ZIP file are:

    • Intro Page.pdf
    • Terms and Conditions.pdf
    • Think_Like_a_Futurist.pdf

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