There are a multitude of new programming languages in the world these days, but most of them have a limited following among classic enterprise IT organizations.
But one new programming language that is likely to get some traction in the enterprise is Scala, which is actually an extension to Java. As such, many corporate IT organizations are likely to see Scala as something that extends their existing programming capabilities to a new scale of distributed computing.
Scala is a new programming language optimized for multicore hardware architectures and cloud computing workloads. Typesafe is a new company founded by the creators of Scala that is creating a platform for Scala that includes Akka middleware and development tools.
According to Typesafe CEO Martin Odersky, Scala excels at handling Big Data in real time across an event-driven architecture, which is one of the reasons that Typesafe picked up an additional $3 million in funding this week and announced that James Gosling, the father of Java, is now on its advisory board.
While existing programming languages can leverage new technologies such as multicore processors to a significant degree, major advances in hardware eventually lead to some significant advances in software development. And Scala is a good example of how IT organizations see the way applications are built and deployed might soon change for the better.