As Intel struggles to find its footing in the post-PC world, it announced over the weekend that it would be reducing its worldwide workforce by 5,000 people over the coming year. But the announcement, it said, was not of a layoff. It plans, rather, a realignment. Or, if you like, “a target employment rate.” Intel spokesman Chris Kraeuter told CNN Money that the reductions would come as a result of retirements, redeployments or other voluntary exits by employees. While a year-long move toward a leaner workforce is not in itself a negative goal, I am not sure what redeployments entail.
Earlier announcements from Intel over the last few months did indicate other job reductions. A Hudson, Mass. closing will eliminate around 700 jobs and another change at a New Mexico plant will slash 400 more.
The firm currently employs 107,000 globally. ITWeb Business notes that Kraeuter pegged Intel’s average yearly attrition rate at 4 percent.