With application programming interfaces (APIs) increasingly becoming the tie that binds the enterprise together, understanding the patterns of data flowing through those APIs has become significantly more important. To help enterprise IT organizations get a better handle on those APIs, Apigee today enhanced the analytics capabilities it provides via the Apigee Edge API platform.
Ed Anuff, vice president of product strategy for Apigee, says the latest addition extends the ability to analyze API performance latency and how users on various types of devices are engaging with a particular API.
With more organizations using the Apigee API Edge platform to not only manage APIs but also model and build them, Anuff says that organizations of all sizes are now trying to get a better understanding of how those APIs impact specific business processes.
In particular, Anuff says that historically there has not been much insight into the metadata surrounding API payloads. The lack of visibility complicates everything from IT operations to business process management, says Anuff. That situation, added Anuff, is only becoming even more challenging when thousands of devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) begin sharing data via APIs.
The one thing that is clear is that APIs are moving from being the sole province of developers. Everyone from IT managers to line of business executives now has a vested interested in the emerging API economy. The challenge, of course, is figuring out what data patterns are actually flying around those APIs in order to maximize that new economic opportunity to its fullest extent.