
    Six Media Convergence Challenges Organizations Must Consider

    Over the past few years, digital content, and more specifically the presence of new media delivery platforms such as smartphones, tablet PCs, and social networks has begun to explode. When combined with a growing global business community and increased accessibility, these newer content channels present businesses with the unique challenge of consistently providing the right content to the right people across all channels (i.e. print, Web, television, mobile, and social).  Organizations that traditionally deliver content through channels such as print and television are now facing the challenge of sharing that same information with new age media.  When looking at the convergence of various media channels, there are several content management-related issues that organizations must consider.

    Based on his experience with enterprise content management, Web content management, portal development and storage technology, Prithwiraj Deb, Associate Manager – ECM Practice at Virtusa Corporation, discusses six key challenges organizations are facing with media convergence.

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    Click through for six challenges businesses must consider when mapping out their media strategy, as identified by Prithwiraj Deb, Associate Manager – ECM Practice at Virtusa Corporation.

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    Organizations need to decide what content to serve on which media. Based on the capability of the platforms and the cost of access, organizations need to draw a configurable strategy that will allow them to repurpose their content and serve it to specific media in the optimum way – taking into account media real estate, screen resolutions, usability and cost of access. Since the capabilities of the media channels are rapidly improving and the cost of access is also decreasing, the strategy will be evolving and configurable with more rich content being served on Web and smartphones.

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    Reuse of the same content for different media channels is the biggest value driver for media convergence initiatives. However, often times this is easier said than done. The messages that organizations deliver across media channels will often vary with segmentation across audience, based on the channel they use. As a result, repurposing content may involve more than just reducing the volume of characters to fit into the screen real estate. Proper editorial team structure and workflow needs to be designed with the aim of maximizing content reuse while maintaining channel-specific messaging.

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    Organizations need to deliver consistent content across the channels in real time. Otherwise, a disruptive customer experience erodes the value you are trying to deliver. For example, if a television channel has different scheduling information shown on the Web than what is actually offered on the TV, chances are someone will hesitate before tuning in again. In these days of fleeting customer loyalty, you can’t afford mixed messages. True convergence aims to make the user transition across channels seamless.

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    A lot has been written and said about the emergence of social media as the most efficient content channel. The public outcry in the blogosphere over the redesigned GAP logo that resulted in its subsequent withdrawal is a clear example of the power and agility of this medium. Overnight, millions of people can share their views and have the ability to make your brand the most popular or the most hated. Because of the rapid permeating nature of social media, organizations need to get their messaging absolutely correct; once content is published, there is hardly any chance or scope to look back and make corrective actions. With this in mind, it is important to have strong editorial reviews built into the publication system.

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    With audiences flocking more towards new age media channels, monetizing the content with newer revenue models has become the norm these days. What will be your strategy? Will it be subscription based, pay as you consume, or will you share content in exchange for newer currencies? These days, some are allowing you to consume content in exchange for you sharing it with your networks – your “download now” link is activated the moment you “retweet” the content link or share it in Facebook or LinkedIn. The bottom line is that the content application needs to be nimble enough to adapt to these newer, rapidly evolving revenue models.

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    Multi-channel advertisement and promotions are important for retailers. An intelligent and contextually dynamic advertisement on the Web or mobile device brings in additional revenue for the organization. If this message is coordinated with other channels, it makes the user experience consistent throughout. This, however, does not stop retailers from offering Web-specific promotions or advertisements catered to a specific medium (and for good reason – all customers love special offers and surprises!).

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