One big issue the average enterprise IT organization has with public cloud computing services is the lack of control they have over the environment. Most public cloud services offer a limited number of options in terms of both the size of the virtual machines that can be deployed and the fact that sharing the same physical server can adversely affect application performance.
To address those and other classic enterprise IT issues in the cloud, AMD revealed today that the new public compute and storage cloud services launched last week by Verizon are based on AMD SeaMicro 15000 integrated servers.
According to Andrew Feldman, general manager of the AMD server business unit, what makes the Verizon cloud services different is that AMD processors allow Verizon to provision virtual machines in seconds while guaranteeing the performance of each virtual machine.
Making use of the integrated SeaMicro Freedom Fabric that AMD developers use within its servers, the AMD SeaMicro 15000 platform can be granularly provisioned by cloud service providers in increments of as little as half a gigabyte. In addition, Feldman says that cloud service providers that make use of the AMD SeaMicro 15000 server will be able to deliver up to 5,000 IOPs, while providing network bandwidth of up to 500Mbps per virtual machine.
That architecture, says Feldman, also provides better security because each virtual machine is partitioned from every other on the server.
Feldman says public cloud services account for only about 10 percent of enterprise IT spending because public cloud service providers have not been able to address these fundamental enterprise IT issues.
While AMD has been pushing adoption of its server architecture in hyperscale cloud computing environments, it clearly has ambitions for traditional enterprise IT organizations that will run into many of the same issues as public cloud service providers when trying to deploy enterprise applications on an on-premise cloud.
Ultimately, the kinds of capabilities provided by the AMD SeaMicro 15000 servers should further blur the line between public and private cloud computing services, especially as enterprise IT gets more distributed in the age of the federated cloud.