Microsoft Office 365 Cheat Sheet
Microsoft Office 365 is a web-based subscription service that gives you anywhere-access to MS Office tools and applications such as Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, PowerPoint and Outlook. Depending on the level of subscription selected, you may be able to work from anywhere using your PC, Mac or mobile device, create a website that is specific to your organization and customize it to promote your company brand, collaborate on project documents, access emails, and host online conference meetings. Office 365 is easy to set up and receives automatic updates. Your files are automatically backed up online, and it has built-in anit-malware protection and spam filters.
This Microsoft Office 365 quick reference guide from CustomGuide covers basic setup and the Outlook Web App. Additionally, it covers using OneDrive with Office 365, creating a document with Web apps, and editing and uploading documents.
The attached zip file includes:
- Intro Page.pdf
- Terms and Conditions.pdf
- MSOffice 365 Reference.pdf