
    ERP Request for Proposal Template

    ERP Request for Proposal Template

    You can’t tackle a purchasing decision as big as Enterprise Resource Planning without first defining your business needs and goals with a request for proposal. RFP’s are never fun, but this template will help you get the most from the process.

    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are a significant-enough investment to require the formality of a Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Knowing what to include and what to pay attention to can be the difference between getting what you paid for and investing in a dud. Writing an RFP for a software system is always a big deal, but when you’re working with something as large as ERP, you may need help. Take advantage of this comprehensive ERP RFP template from Info-Tech to help you develop a tailored RFP document.

    The attached Zip file includes:

    • Intro Page.doc
    • Cover Sheet and Terms.pdf
    • ERP Request for Proposal Template.doc

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