Given the fact that more cyberattacks than ever seem to be circumventing existing security defenses, interest in alternative approaches to IT security is naturally on the rise. Bracket Computing today unveiled one of the approaches in the form of a lightweight hypervisor that further isolates guest operating systems from the underlying virtual machine platform.
Bracket Computing CEO Tom Gillis says Server Guard extends Metavisor technology that the company developed to segment a virtual machine environment in a way that prevents hackers from accessing a guest operating system even if they manage to gain privileged or root access to the underlying server. Once they have that access, they typically start using patches to the environment to disseminate malware that can go undetected for months before being activated.
Gillis says Server Guard makes use of segmentation to prevent a compromise of one operating system environment from being able to move laterally across the rest of the enterprise. Bracket Security Software already provides the controls required to micro-segment the network, gather forensics information, and visualize network flows, in addition to encrypt all forms of data at rest and in motion.
“This prevents an attack involving a sudden privilege escalation from infecting the entire enterprise,” says Gillis.
Gillis says this is as close to an immutable approach to maintaining IT security that can be deployed within a server environment.
Bracket Computing is not the first IT vendor to try to exploit micro-segmentation to enhance IT security. But Gillis notes its approach can uniquely be applied across multiple operating environments in an unobtrusive way by IT security teams without disrupting any existing IT management processes.