‘The Quantum Age of IT’ Excerpt
“IT as we know it is dead.” There are forces at work that are reshaping the very fabric of the IT organization. Driven by our own history, changing perceptions of how technology should work and newfound, but very real, competition, IT organizations are struggling to evolve — but into what?
In “The Quantum Age of IT,” Charles Araujo examines what has led us to this point and what it means to the future of IT organizations. He offers practical guidance that every IT professional needs to compete in this new era of IT.
This excerpt includes the Introduction and Chapter 1, “The History of Our Death (Why the Modern IT Structure Has Failed Us.” Here, Araujo discusses the emergence of the first silos, the rise of the IT corporate culture and how the rise of distributed computing changed the rules.
“The Quantum Age of IT” was published by IT Governance Publishing. ISBN-10: 1-849283-753; ISBN-13: 978-1-849283-755.
Included in this ZIP file are:
- Intro Page.pdf
- Terms and Conditions.pdf
- The Quantum Age of IT.pdf