Many of the principles that apply to manufacturing supply chains can also be applied to data management. The real challenge is figuring out how to efficiently coordinate all the sources so the business can actually profit from acquiring it all in the first place.
With that goal in mind, Metanautix has announced the general availability of Metanautix Quest, a data compute engine that allows organizations to use SQL to access and combine data from multiple data sources regardless of where that data is located.
Based on concepts that were pioneered at Google, Metanautix CEO Theo Vassilakis says a federated approach makes it simpler for analysts to view the enterprise as a massive data supply chain. They can launch queries against any data source, including records, logs, documents, audio files, images or videos, and display the results of those queries in data visualization tools from vendors such as Tableau Software.
Fresh from raising an additional $7 million in funding, Metanautix provides a mechanism through which analysts can use familiar SQL constructs to launch ad hoc queries at scale. In so doing, Vassilakis says analysts can view data as a massive data supply chain from wherever it is stored.
As the walls that have kept enterprise data isolated in silos start to come down, many of the issues that have allowed multiple copies of the same data being strewn across the enterprise start to fall away as well. Instead of having to aggregate data in one location, IT organizations can be more selective about which data needs to be moved based on how often it is being accessed. For example, rather than having to construct a single massive data warehouse, a more federated approach will allow organizations to rely on smaller data marts that can be extended using platforms such as Metanautix Quest.
Whatever the ultimate outcome, the need to constantly copy and move data all around the enterprise is about to become a less pressing IT issue.