
    Leading Authors Share Their IT Management Expertise

    IT Business Edge’s Knowledge Network contains a robust  selection of book excerpts designed to help lighten the management load for IT  managers and decision-makers. From project and portfolio management, to IT department management, to measuring and managing performance, our high-quality  excerpts, provided by leading authors on the subjects, target critical  management issues. Get—or build on—your "IT savvy" by leveraging the  resources IT Business Edge and the Knowledge Network offer.

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    Click through for leading expert advice on IT management issues.

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    Want to use IT to your utmost advantage in your business? Peter High’s "World Class IT: Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs" offers key principles (and critical subprinciples) for IT-business leaders to follow in order to stay ahead of the pack.

    In this excerpt from Chapter 4 (Principle 3: Manage Projects and Portfolios Effectively), High offers his "Eight Subprinciples of Project and Portfolio Management," the first subprinciple being the generation of fresh, viable ideas.

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    Managing technology resources can be much easier if you know what to do, how to do it, and have tools with examples to help you. In this book, Mike Sisco emphasizes 11 key traits possessed by successful IT managers to help you leapfrog past other managers.

    Sisco includes situation-based IT assessment tools to help you insure your team is in sync with your company’s needs.

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    Robert Ryan and Tim Raducha-Grace’s "The Business of IT: How to Improve Service and Lower Costs" provides IT and business executives with methods to achieve greater businessdiscipline throughout IT, collaborate more effectively, sharpen focus on thecustomer and drive greater value from IT investment. The book focuses on specific areas of business practices for improving IT service management:managing service cost managing service value, measuring IT performance andimproving customer alignment. Read the excerpt.

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    Companies with IT-savvy managers are 20 percent more profitable than theircompetitors. In “IT Savvy: What Top Executives Must Know to Go from Pain to Gain,”authors Peter Weill and Jeanne Ross explain how non-IT executives can acquirethis savvy. Concise and practical, the book describes the practices,competencies, and leadership skills non-IT managers need to succeed in thedigital economy. Read the excerpt.

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    “Project Management Fundamentals” is an excerpt from the book “Getting Things Done Through Project Management” byauthor Deji Badiru.

    Badiru introduces proven techniques vital to project management. Theseprinciples are applicable to both the corporate world and personal, everydaylife use. “Getting Things Done Through Project Management” explores the hiddenaspects of every assignment and how to use these as motivation to complete thetask in the most efficient manner. Read the excerpt.

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    As an umbrella term for a wide variety of methodologies, a concisedefinition of "agile development" can be hard to pin down. "Do It Yourself Agile" e-book author Damon Pooledefines Agiledevelopment by the benefit potential it presents to adoptees,rather than merely describing concepts and pointing at the Agile Manifesto.

    The excerpt, taken from "The Primary Benefits of AgileDevelopment" chapter, straightforwardly states the exact benefits that youwill get from implementing Agile as described in the book.

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    In “Foundation of Green IT,” a team of leading GreenIT consultants presents detailed information that data center professionals need tosystematically identify the right improvements, implement them, maximizesavings, and accurately calculate business value.

    Author Marty Poniatowski and his team present comprehensive case studiesreflecting their unsurpassed Green IT experience, complete with detailedimplementation diagrams and performance information. CIOs and IT directorsalike will find independent, detailed coverage of solutions from HP, VMware,EMC, Cisco, and other leading vendors, with optimized sample designs andrealistic ROI projections. Read the excerpt.

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    Using Agile Project Management (APM), project managers can achieveflexibility and customer responsiveness goals without compromising value,quality or business discipline. In "Agile Project Management, Second Edition," authorJim Highsmith thoroughly updates his classic guide to APM, extending andrefining it to support even the largest projects and organizations.

    Writing for project leaders, managers, and executives at all levels,Highsmith integrates the best project management, product management, andsoftware development practices into an overall framework designed to supportunprecedented speed and mobility. Read the excerpt.

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