Most IT organizations spend a lot more time trying to figure out the cause of a problem than they do actually fixing it. That’s because the inherent complexity of IT makes it difficult to identify patterns and trends. Now LANDESK is moving to not only identify IT issues, but to also plug those insights into an IT management framework capable of fixing the underlying problem.
Following the acquisition of Xtraction, a provider of a business intelligence application for IT environments last year, LANDESK today announced it has both revamped the Xtraction user interface and added connectors between Xtraction and the rest of the LANDESK portfolio.
LANDESK CEO Steve Daly says the result is a closed loop system for discovering and remediating IT problems using the massive amounts of data that LANDESK already collects inside an IT environment. That data, adds Daly, can then also be correlated against external data sources to provide even more intelligence.
To make achieving that goal simpler, LANDESK provides a series of dashboards and template applications for the most common types of IT operations. Armed with these tools, IT organizations can identify issues such as the number of help calls a particular application might be generating across an entire organization. Not only does that information lead to better IT service, Daly notes it should give the IT organization back enough time to deliver high-value services to the organization.
For all the talk these days about digital business transformation, the simple truth of the matter is that most IT organizations are still mired in traditional IT blocking and tackling. Until IT environments become simpler to manage or IT departments gain more access to actionable intelligence, there’s not likely to be anything in the way of meaningful change any time soon. Clearly, the only other option is to make the IT department a lot smarter about the IT environment than it generally is today.