IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies Excerpt
If you have a business or a nonprofit organization, or if you’re the one responsible
for information systems at such an operation, you know that disaster recovery planning
is pretty vital. But it’s easy to put it off. After all, where do you start?
IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies shows you how to get
started by creating a safety net while you work out the details of your major plan. The
right plan will get your business back on track quickly, whether you’re hit by a
tornado or a disgruntled employee with super hacking powers. Here’s how to assess the
situation, develop both short-term and long-term plans, and keep your plans
This easy-to-understand guide will help you:
- Prepare your systems, processes, and people for an organized response to disaster
when it strikes. - Identify critical IT systems and develop a long-range strategy.
- Select and train your disaster recovery team.
- Conduct a Business Impact Analysis.
- Determine risks to your business from natural or human-made causes.
- Get management support.
- Create appropriate plan documents.
- Test your plan.
The following excerpt is the entire 11th chapter entitled, “Keeping DR Plans and
Staff Current.”
The attached Zip file includes:
- Intro Page.doc
- Cover Sheet and Terms.pdf
- IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies Excerpt.pdf