This winter season has seen its fair share of snowstorms and flu outbreaks. Telework (or telecommuting) is a great option to offer your employees so that they don’t have to risk their safety or immune system by coming into the office.
While telework doesn’t suit all jobs or employee personalities, for many it can actually mean a more productive day. (We regularly work from home and often get more work done because of the lack of distractions.)
Even the federal government, with the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010, is getting the ball rolling on providing a telework option for its employees, though it’s been slow-going.
If your organization has yet to implement a telework program, now is a good time to ask about one. Our own Susan Hall has written extensively about telework and flex time. In an older post, she points to a Wall Street Journal article that offers up a bit of advice for approaching your boss. For example, before starting the conversation, write up a proposal that addresses how your productivity will be measured and how you will maintain contact (we use instant messaging for immediate conversations).
The IT Downloads library has several tools that will help you address any concerns upper management may have with a telework program. And if you’re a manager who is already on board with working from home, you’ll also find a few tools to set a standard for your employees. Below are just a few to get you started.
Telework Policy and Agreement: Teleworking can increase employee productivity and reduce costs for an enterprise. Use Info-Tech’s Telework Policy and Agreement as a starting point for your enterprise’s telecommuting policy.
Telecommuting IT Checklist: This checklist is designed to help IT managers “cover all the bases” for telecommuting arrangements, including safety and network security issues.