Training budgets are more constrained than ever. Moving some training exercises and programs online can keep them from being cancelled or cut back, but brings up both more questions and perhaps more opportunities to measure results.
Mindflash, a corporate online training provider, is beta testing an eye-tracking feature that it hopes will provide management with information on how engaged users are during training. According to GigaOm, the company acknowledges that quantification of the feature’s collected data has yet to be attempted.
The feature, similar to some available in consumer products, monitors the user’s eye movements during an online training session. When the user looks away from the screen for more than five seconds, the program is paused.
The pausing feature could turn out to be a somewhat helpful one for users who might appreciate a quicker way to deliberately pause a program, but drawing a conclusion about engagement and training effectiveness from eye position will likely leave managers a bit cold. Users do turn their eyes from the screen during training for a number of reasons, say, to make a note. And interactive components, periodic testing on material, progressive modules that build on each other and other analytics give management better information on the effectiveness of online training – with less creepiness.
Is anyone else thinking of the eyeball scene in A Clockwork Orange?