This October 28, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will hold its third annual Cybersecurity Summit in Washington, D.C. With support from American Express, Dell and Splunk, the one-day summit will “bring together experts from the business community, federal agencies, and the executive and legislative branches, to address international concerns, information sharing, and insurance issues, among other topics,” according to a release.
The power of the Chamber of Commerce is on display in the roster of summit attendees and presenters. Sessions include:
Cybersecurity Framework Gut Check—Are We Making Progress?
Moderator: Matthew J. Eggers, Senior Director, National Security and Emergency Preparedness Department, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Paul Christman, Vice President, Public Sector, Dell
Sean Franklin, Vice President, Cyber Intelligence, American Express
Brian J. Peretti, Acting Director, Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury
The Honorable Phyllis A. Schneck, Ph.D., Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
David Velasquez, Executive Vice President, Power Delivery, Pepco Holdings, Inc.
Kelly R. Welsh, General Counsel, U.S. Department of Commerce
The International Dynamic: Global Approaches to Cybersecurity Policy, Partnerships, and Information Sharing
Moderator: Adam Sedgewick, Senior Information Technology Policy Advisor, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), U.S. Department of Commerce
Thomas Dukes, Deputy Coordinator for Cyber Issues, U.S. Department of State
Angela McKay, Director, Cybersecurity Policy and Strategy, Microsoft
Urszula Mojkowska, Liaison Officer with the U.S. Congress, European Parliament
Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, former Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism, Home Office; former BBC Governor and Chairman of the British Joint Intelligence Committee
Haiyan Song, Senior Vice President, Security Markets, Splunk
Strengthening Cybersecurity Together: Sector Cooperation, Interdependencies, and Challenges
Moderator: Christopher J. Furlow, Principal, U.S. Public Sector, Ridge Global LLC
Chris Boyer, Assistant Vice President, Public Policy, AT&T
William J. Erny, Senior Director, Policy, Regulatory & Technical Affairs, American Chemistry Council
Dennis P. Gilbert Jr., Director, Information and Cybersecurity, Corporate and Information Security Services, Exelon Corporation
Doug Johnson, Vice President and Senior Advisor for Risk Management Policy, American Bankers Association
And presentations include:
Sharing Cyber Threat Information to Protect Business and America
Admiral Michael S. Rogers, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency
Introduction and Remarks: A Private Sector Perspective
Marc D. Gordon, Executive Vice President and CIO, American Express
Combatting Cyber Threats to U.S. National Security
John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, U.S. Department of Justice
Getting CISA Passed This Year: A Q&A with Senators Feinstein and Chambliss
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Chair, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
The Honorable Saxby Chambliss, Vice Chair, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Discussions of the NIST’s cybersecurity framework are a continuation of roundtable meetings that the Chamber has held this year, in which chamber organizations around the country have been working on actions that private business can take toward actively improving risk management around cybersecurity, incident reporting, and staying engaged and informed on policy developments.
Recent research shows that while enterprise and smaller businesses are increasing spending on security, they are concerned that security teams are not growing quickly enough to keep up with incident detection and investigation, let alone process improvement and user education.
Kachina Shaw is managing editor for IT Business Edge and has been writing and editing about IT and the business for 15 years. She writes about IT careers, management, technology trends and managing risk. Follow Kachina on Twitter @Kachina and on Google+