One of the things that drives IT operations folks to distraction is all the changes that developers try in order to drive some new application functionality. All too often, one of those changes winds up breaking a raft of functionality on which any number of other applications across the enterprise are dependent.
To help address that issue, BMC Software today launched BMC Control-M Workload Change Manager, an application through which IT organizations can more easily control the application release management process.
BMC Software President of Workload Automation Gur Steif says that as IT organizations struggle with DevOps, there is a need to better unify the workflow across developers and IT operations teams. BMC Control-M Workload Change Manager makes it easier for developers to define the batch processes needed to release an application in a way that enables the IT operations team to automate the process, says Steif.
But just as importantly, Steif says that because the processes are better defined, the IT operations teams now have a lot more insight into which applications and systems might potentially break if that application is released.
Part of the challenge with DevOps today is that most of the focus is on new application development. And yet, most of the time those new applications are dependent on a legacy application to invoke one capability or another. As the number of applications continues to proliferate across the enterprise, it becomes pretty clear how tracking all the rapid changes being made to all those applications in a world full of agile development processes is actually resulting in more, rather than less, confusion.
There’s no doubt that organizations are trying to significantly increase the pace at which applications are rolled out. But like most things done quickly, overall quality tends to suffer when the speed of the application rollout process exceeds the ability of the IT operations team to keep pace with it.