Just like applications themselves, the tools organizations rely on to manage IT environments are starting to devolve into a set of microservices based on containers that can be more rapidly deployed and simpler to invoke.
Aiming to be on the leading edge of that transition, A10 Networks today unveiled an instance of an A10 Harmony application delivery controller (ADC) based on containers that can be deployed on any cloud. Paul Nicholson, director of product marketing for A10 Networks, says the basic idea is to take advantage of containers to provide a consistent approach to deploying an ADC wherever an application resides.
Nicholson says that in addition to making better use of IT infrastructure resources, the A10 Harmony ADC makes it simpler to secure application services by embedding analytics to enable IT organizations to more easily identify configuration issues that could be exploited by cybercriminals.
“We’re in a unique position to provide visibility,” says Nicholson.
To make it simpler to access those capabilities, A10 Networks is also now adding a software-as-a-service (SaaS) option in addition to continuing to allow IT organizations to deploy ADCs themselves.
As technologies such as ADCs become available as containers, it’s becoming feasible to now attach a unique ADC to applications consisting of multiple microservices. Not every application obviously is going to require that level of granular command and control. But as microservices based on containers become more widely distributed, the management of the underlying resources those microservices invoke is going to become more complicated than ever.