Your resume is often your first point of contact with a potential employer. In mere seconds, it must convey who you are and pique the interest of the hiring manager or else face being consigned to the recycling heap. General wisdom suggests that resumes be as concise as possible, but job seekers must be careful that they don’t leave out important details. Eliminating critical information can be as damaging as a resume that just rambles on and on. In this slideshow, Heather Huhman, writing for Glassdoor, has identified seven items your resume may be missing.
Detailing Your Resume
Click through for items job seekers should be sure to include on their resumes, as identified by Heather Huhman, writing for Glassdoor.
Social Media Accounts
Your social media presence is an important element you must include in your resume. By including links to your Twitter account and blog, you can illustrate to employers your online influence and how you interact with other people in your industry.
When choosing social media accounts to include in your resume, be mindful of what you showcase. Ideally, you should only include links to accounts where you share professional content and interact with professionals online.
Awards or Special Recognition
Have you received special recognition in your industry for being an outstanding professional? Did you graduate with honors in college? You can include these accomplishments in your resume by putting them after your experience section.
Certifications for a specific tool or skill can definitely help you stand out in your job search, especially if you’ve earned an industry-specific certification.
Side Projects
Have you published an ebook? Do you manage an online business? If you’ve had significant accomplishments in your personal life, you should definitely include them on your resume as long as they don’t conflict with the position you’re applying for.
Volunteer Work
Do you volunteer every Saturday at a local food bank? Do you spend time coaching a soccer team? Or perhaps you had an unpaid internship? Volunteer experiences such as these can help you make a good impression on employers. Volunteer work also shows employers you have leadership and project management skills.
Freelance Projects
Showcase your freelance experience by creating a new bullet in your resume for this position. You can list your position as “Freelancer” and, below, include bullets of your accomplishments and clients you’ve worked with.
Professional Website or Blog
One of the first things employers look at when they research candidates is whether the individual has a professional website or blog.
If you’ve created a professional website to showcase your expertise and accomplishments, you should definitely include a link to your website in your resume. Additionally, if you’re an industry blogger, you might want to create a new section in your resume to talk about your blogging experience or outlets you contribute to. Even a personal blog (if it’s work-appropriate) is a great opportunity to showcase your personal interests to your potential employer.