Community Waste Prevention Fact Sheet – Toner Cartridges
Each year, millions of empty toner and inkjet cartridges used in laser printers, fax
machines and copiers are thrown in the trash, destined for landfills and incinerators.
Buying locally remanufactured toner and inkjet cartridges — and recycling empty
cartridges — is an easy way for government agencies and public institutions to
reduce the environmental impact of these discarded products, while also saving
substantial tax dollars and bolstering the local economy.
Any office equipment that uses a toner cartridge, as opposed to requiring toner to
be added to the machine, should be able to use remanufactured cartridges.
This fact sheet, uploaded by INFORM, provides guidance on buying
remanufactured toner cartridges, as well as some related strategies for minimizing
waste and pollution from these and other printing supplies.
The attached Zip file includes:
- Intro Page.doc
- Cover Sheet and Terms.pdf
- Community Waste Prevention Toolkit – Toner Cartridges.doc