
    Social Networking Redefines Landscape for Job Seekers

    More than a quarter of people surveyed from around the world are going online in their hunt for work, but many are growing nervous about the potential career fallout from personal content on social networking sites, according to the latest survey results from global workforce solutions leader, Kelly Services® (NASDAQ: KELYA) (NASDAQ: KELYB).

    The findings are part of a new report, “The Evolving Workforce: Social Media/Networking,” based on results of the Kelly Global Workforce Index, which obtained the views of approximately 97,000 people in 30 countries covering the Americas, APAC and EMEA regions from October 2010 through January 2011.

    In the survey, respondents were asked a series of questions relating to their use of social networking as an employment tool, including identifying what social networking sites are most frequently used for searching for jobs and by what method they obtained their last job. The survey also sought to identify the impact of social media content on people's careers, and issues regarding the use of social networking within the workplace.

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    Click through for results from a social media job search survey conducted by Kelly Services.

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    Online job boards have become the dominant source for people to find work, with more than a quarter (26 percent) of respondents using them to secure their most recent job, ahead of other job search tools — word-of-mouth (22 percent), recruitment and staffing companies (17 percent), direct approaches from employers (17 percent), print advertisements (seven percent) and social media sites (one percent).

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    Even though a small number of people secured their most recent job through a social networking site, almost a quarter (24 percent) of respondents say they search for work using social networking sites, with the results showing the highest use by Generation X and Baby Boomers.

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    The most popular social networking sites to find work are Facebook® and LinkedIn®, preferred by 33 percent and 32 percent respectively. A further 23 percent use "other" sites, 10 percent use blogs, and three percent use Twitter®. Facebook is the overwhelming preference of Generation Y participants, while LinkedIn is favored by Generation X and Baby Boomers.

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    More than a quarter of respondents (26 percent) are worried that material from their social networking page could adversely impact their careers. All generations share concerns about the potential career fallout from social networking content, but Generation Y is the most worried.

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    More than a quarter of respondents (28 percent) believe it is essential to be active on social media in order to advance their careers.

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    Almost a third of respondents (30 percent) say that their employers have a social media or social networking policy that regulates use at work.

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    The vast majority of respondents (68 percent) spend an hour or less each day on social media sites, while 19 percent spend no time at all. Only 13 percent spend an hour or more each day.

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