With over 30 million online meetings taking place using Join.me cloud service from LogMeIn, it’s clear that large numbers of users have voted with their feet to embrace another way to collaborate. Now, LogMeIn is extending the reach of that service by enhancing the user experience on Apple iOS devices.
The latest version of the Join.me mobile application sports a revamped user interface that enables users to launch a meeting with a touch of a finger on their Apple iPhone or Apple Watch device.
Steve Schult, director of products for Join.me at LogMeIn, says the goal of the updated mobile Join.me mobile application is to not only provide a better user experience, but also enable multiple users to dynamically share content using the mobile whiteboarding application that LogMeIn gained via the acquisition of Zamurai Corp.
As an HTML5 application, Schult says the thing that distinguished Join.me most is that meetings start instantaneously and require no intervention from an office manager or IT staff to actually set up. Within the application end users can not only create slides, they can also share the content with participants online and offline, adds Schult.
Of course, it’s unclear how many users will wind up using their Apple Watch to start a meeting on a desktop PC or tablet. But the one thing that is for certain is that as end users become more dependent on their mobile devices, the patience level with more cumbersome approaches to setting up online meetings is waning fast.