In a normal day, companies and individuals must transfer files containing many different types of sensitive and mission-critical information across systems, businesses and departments – everything from legal documents to X-rays to credit card statements. In an effort to get work done, employees will often skirt the rules of IT and turn to readily available file-sharing options outside the corporate IT structure. This opens the company up to a host of liabilities from security, visibility and control to inaccurate information being transferred within systems. Jeff Whitney, from Ipswitch File Transfer, has identified the top five IT pain points associated with file transfers.
Click through for the top five IT pain points associated with file transfers, as identified by Jeff Whitney, Ipswitch File Transfer.
File sharing solutions are often complex and do not provide a unified standard for the business to automate processes. As file sharing has been core to business process for quite some time, there are often legacy systems in place with layers of homegrown tools and scripts, as well as products from multiple vendors.
Businesses, especially in regulated industries like health care and financial services, need to have the ability to track the movement of files. IT teams often talk about “flying blind” when they don’t have visibility into where files are or proof that they’ve been delivered.
Without a centralized file transfer system in place, employees will often bypass IT and use a commodity file-sharing product, subjecting the organization to added security risks. This is an escalating issue with the proliferation of consumer-based sharing applications, like Google Drive.
Security is always a top priority for IT teams, but there is often little insight into the way that businesses transfer critical data. When issues do occur, IT is often blind to them since they lack general oversight of the file transfer process.
The IT department, like many others within organizations, is constantly being asked to do more work with less resources. Companies are creating and transferring documents at an exponential rate and IT must find a way to scale current systems, processes and resources to meet these increasing demands.
Forward-thinking IT teams are adopting or looking into managed file transfer (MFT) solutions to free-up resources to focus on other critical business needs. These teams are finding that an MFT strategy allows automation and auditability of file movement.